nurtitional diet

Make Superfood Smoothie

Superfood smoothies are the best and easiest way to consume superfood. To make a superfood smoothie you naturally need superfoods and a good blender. Have you never made a super food smoothie before? Then we will help you! On our website we often talk about a superfood smoothie and a super food shake, this means the same thing.

Superfood smoothie as a healthy start to the day!

Do you also want to start the day healthily? Then here comes tip 1; “Water first, the rest comes later” . The best time to drink water is on an empty stomach when you are just awake. A super start to the day!

After this it’s time for breakfast. It is gradually becoming known that eating a lot of bread is actually not that good for us. So try to get away from your old habits and start the day with a superfood smoothie instead of your regular breakfast!

Lose weight with superfood smoothies

A superfood smoothie is packed with nutrients but usually contains few calories. This makes it not only very healthy but also suitable when you want to lose weight.

The many nutrients ensure a long saturated feeling. Because of this you will have much less tendency to snack in between.

An old saying says: “eat your liquids, drink your foods” . This means that it is not the intention to drink your superfood smoothie in 1 minute, but slowly as if you were eating your shake instead of drinking.

Because of this it is possible that you do a whole day with 1 shake cup and therefore not only a healthy breakfast but also a healthy lunch!

The trick for a successful smoothie is to combine colors. Simply throwing all superfoods together in the blender and making a smoothie results in an end result that is very healthy, but not very tasty!

The Basis of a Good Superfood Smoothie

You make a berry smoothie with red colors. Such as organic goji berries , raspberries, blackberries, purple grapes and as a liquid pomegranate juice.

You can make a cocoa smoothie with organic cocoa powder , carob, hazelnuts, a vanilla pod and as liquid coffee, black tea or chaga / reishi tea.

You make a green smoothie with organic spirulina and chlorella tablets (without additives), a cucumber, basil, mint and wheat grass juice, green tea or aloe vera juice.

This is the common thread. Experimenting is allowed! Hundreds of creations can be made, as long as you keep an eye on the color, little can go wrong.

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