nurtitional diet

5 Nutrition Rules in the Autumn Season

berries vegetables and fruits

With the coming of autumn, our bodies tend to accumulate fat reserves, so we usually begin to eat a bit more than usual. How to eat at this time of year without harming your Let’s try to figure it out.

More berries, vegetables, and fruits

berries vegetables and fruits

Berries, fresh or frozen, contain many useful substances that can strengthen the immune system and provide essential support for the body to fight diseases. Berries are also rich in vitamins (A, C, B, B1), which are necessary during the autumn season. One cup of fresh or frozen berries per day will provide the body with the necessary amount of essential vitamins for good health.

In addition to berries, autumn is rich in fruits—apples, pears, grapes, melons. Fruits can be an excellent substitute for chocolate and cakes, which we often consume in large quantities in order to lift our mood.

Give preference to yellow-orange fruits: pumpkin, carrot, lemon, persimmon, tangerines, and oranges. Two or three times a week, nutritionists advise using cabbage. Dairy products such as yogurt and kefir should be included in your daily diet.

Read Nutrisystem Reviews to learn more.

Do not overeat and observe the regime of nutrition.

If in the autumn your body requires more food than in the summer, pay close attention to your nutrition regime. Meals should be regular; do not overeat. It is important to remember that one of the most important meals is breakfast.

In order to not gain weight, try to eat often but in small portions. Ideally, there should be six meals a day. In the evening, it is necessary to eat only light meals.

Learn to replace harmful products.

If your body still needs fat foods, this means the body needs fat. In this case, it is best to include dishes like fish or vegetable salads with olive oil in the diet.

The ideal solution for nutrition in the autumn period can be a variety of soups (preferably vegetable). They will warm you and effectively help you cope with hunger.

In the cold season, our bodies need carbohydrates and fats, so it is better to abandon strict diets. For breakfast, it is good to eat porridge. Most of all the useful substances are contained in buckwheat and oatmeal.

Proper nutrition in the autumn season means a healthy diet and a sensible approach to product selection.

With these nutrition rules, you will not only eliminate the sharp weight gain, but also help the body prepare for winter.

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